Creating a Lasting Impression: Trademarking Your Catchphrase for Business Success

Having a catchy catchphrase that has become synonymous with your brand is great for recognition, but it also means you must protect it. If you trademark a catchphrase, you ensure no one else can use it without your permission. In this blog post, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to trademark your catchphrase. We'll also discuss the benefits of doing so and the necessary steps you need to take to register your trademark.


Defining a Catchphrase: What You Need to Know

A catchphrase is a memorable phrase or expression a person or company uses to promote its brand, product, or service. It is a simple yet effective way to communicate and leave a lasting impression on people's minds. Memorable catchphrases include Nike's "Just Do It" and McDonald's "I'm Lovin' It."

Why Trademarking Your Catchphrase Is Crucial

A trademark is a symbol, word, or phrase that distinguishes one product or service from another. It safeguards your intellectual property, preventing others from using your brand or logo without permission. Trademarks are registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and are valid for ten years. You are open to several advantages if you trademark your catchphrase:

  • It protects your intellectual property and prevents others from misusing your slogan, preserving your brand's reputation.
  • When you trademark your catchphrase, you obtain exclusive rights to use it with your brand, product, or service. This legal protection ensures that you have complete control over how your catchphrase is used. You can incorporate it into various aspects of your business, including merchandise, advertising campaigns, and social media, without fear of infringement by others.
  • Trademark your catchphrase to increase brand awareness and value.

A registered trademark demonstrates that your brand is legitimate and professional, which can make it more appealing to investors, partners, and customers.

Steps to Trademark Your Catchphrase

If you're looking to trademark your catchphrase, there are several essential steps you'll need to follow with great care and attention to detail. Here is a detailed breakdown of each step you need to take to register your catchphrase as a trademark successfully:

Step 1: Conduct an In-Depth Analysis of Your Catchphrase

Before beginning the trademarking process, conducting thorough research on your catchphrase is essential. It involves ensuring that it's unique and not already being used by another company. There are two ways to do this: search the USPTO database or hire a trademark attorney to do it for you. A comprehensive search will ensure that your catchphrase is not infringing on any existing trademarks and is available for registration.

Step 2: Choose your Trademark Class

Once you've established that your catchphrase is unique, the next step is determining the trademark class under which it falls. With 45 trademark classes, each representing a different type of product or service, choosing the class that best represents your brand and the product or service associated with your catchphrase is essential. This selection will provide the broadest protection for your trademark.

Step 3: Start the Trademark Application Process

After selecting the appropriate trademark class, it's time to file your trademark application. You can do this online using the USPTO's Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS). The application requires you to provide accurate and complete information about your catchphrase, including how you intend to use it, the trademark class, and the dates of first use. It's essential to provide accurate information to avoid any issues or delays in the registration process.

Step 4: Application processing

After submitting your application, you must wait for it to be processed. Then, the USPTO will evaluate your catchphrase to ensure it meets the trademark registration requirements. This process can take a few months, and you may receive an Office Action if there are any concerns with your application. During this stage, it's crucial to be patient and use the USPTO's online system to monitor your application's status.

Step 5: Responding to Office Actions

If you get an Office Action, it means problems with your application must be addressed. For example, another similar trademark may exist, or your catchphrase may be too familiar. Responding to the Office Action carefully and within six months is critical. You must provide evidence or arguments supporting your application and address any issues the USPTO raises. If you receive an Office Action, seeking advice from a trademark attorney is crucial to ensure you respond correctly.

Step 6: Receiving your trademark registration

If your application is successful, you'll receive a trademark registration certificate. This certificate will confirm that your catchphrase is a registered trademark, and only you can use it with your brand, product, or service. To indicate that your catchphrase is a registered trademark, it's essential to use the ® symbol and keep your registration certificate safe.

Step 7: Maintaining your trademark registration

Once you have your trademark registration, you must maintain it by filing renewal applications regularly. Trademarks are valid for ten years, and you'll need to renew your registration every ten years to keep it active. Therefore, it's crucial to keep track of your renewal dates and submit your renewal applications on time to avoid any issues with the validity of your trademark.


Protecting your catchphrase's intellectual property and ensuring its exclusivity is crucial; hiring a trademark attorney can help you achieve this. A trademark attorney can guide you in selecting the appropriate trademark class for your catchphrase and assist you in trademark registration. However, you may receive an Office action during the registration process that requires your attention to resolve any issues. Once your catchphrase is successfully registered, it is essential to file renewal applications periodically to maintain its validity and protection. Remember, if you trademark your catchphrase, you’re a step ahead in safeguarding your intellectual property.